Day 5. Charity Fraud Awareness Week

Day 4. Charity Fraud Awareness Week

Day 3. Charity Fraud Awareness Week

Day 2. Charity Fraud Awareness Week

Charity Fraud Awareness Week #CharityFraudOut and #CharityFraudOut201

Korean Prosecutors Association joins the United States Federal Trade Commission, State Attorneys General, and other prosecutors from around the world to educate the public about charity fraud.  Please follow us as we post messages each day of this week about protecting against charity fraud.

DAY 1:

KPA First Newsletter

Job Opening at Ventura County DA’s Office, California

The District Attorney’s Office is currently looking to fill 3 attorney positions.  A candidate awaiting bar results should apply for the “Law Clerk” position and attorneys should apply for the “Attorney” position. We expect that successful “Law Clerk” applicants would be moved into an attorney position if they pass the bar and perform well. Both recruitments are currently open and are scheduled to close at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 24th.

If you are aware of individuals with high ethical standards and who would make exceptional prosecutors, please encourage them to apply.  Candidates can apply online:


Law Clerk:

OKF President Reception